Family Dispute Resolution
Our FDR service assists families who are experiencing challenges within their relationships, including those going through separation and divorce. Our experienced and highly trained staff will listen to your story in a safe, non-judgmental and confidential environment.
If you are experiencing family breakdown, separated or in the process of separating, our service can assist you to navigate through the appropriate channels and guide you to seek the support you need during this difficult time.
The Family Court process is costly and waiting lists can take many months or even years, the legal process can also escalate conflict and drain families financially. However, participating in Family Dispute Resolution (FDR), parents will be making decisions on the future of their children rather than leaving their fate in the hands of the Family Law Courts. We believe you are the experts on your children’s needs. We provide a safe and confidential environment where families can access information and support during their difficult period of transition. Our process allows you to make decisions for your child/ children’s future.
Relationship breakdown impacts the whole family especially the children. Our specialist skills and guidance assist families to make decisions whilst focusing on their children’s needs.
We use a therapeutic model of mediation which is party centred with a primary focus on the needs of the children. A thorough assessment will determine risk factors and suitability giving clients the option to progress to the court should a partner be unwilling or unsuitable.
We aim to understand the issues to improve relationships and get results for family’s post-separation in both in parenting and property settlements.
Fee Schedule
Intake session for property settlement and/or children’s matters: $150
Issue invitations to attend Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) Mediation: Free
Up to four (4 hour) Mediation: $1500
Full day Mediation (if shared equally $1,500 each): $3,000
Issue a Section 60I Certificate if deemed unsuitable (parenting matters): $150
Prices do not include GST – Subject to change – Means tested discounts available.
Our parenting and property mediation are conducted at our secure conference rooms at 534 Parramatta Road, Ashfield NSW 2131 or via Teams or Zoom.
To discuss your Family Dispute Resolution needs please contact Vince Monardo on 02 80065244 or 0415286116
Mediations are conducted by Vince Monardo or Kathy Archer.
Both are accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners.